free dental treatment for children under CDBS scheme

Bleeding Gums  

What causes gums to bleed?

  • Do you notice blood in the sink after brushing your teeth?
  • Are your gums red and swollen?

Minor tooth sensitivity and irritated gums can be a sign that you’re using the wrong toothbrush, have plaque buildup, or are starting to floss for the first time in a while. However, if gum bleeding persists, you may be dealing with something more concerning — periodontal disease (gum disease).

If you’re dealing with irritated gums, schedule a time to meet our team. Book online today.

Is gum bleeding serious?

Your gums say a lot about your dental health. Unhealthy gums lead to a variety of dental issues such as severe sensitivity, loose teeth, bone loss, and missing teeth.

Your gums also point to systemic health issues. Those with gum disease are at higher risk for developing serious illnesses like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, preterm labor, auto-immune, and inflammatory diseases.

How can you make your gums healthy again?

It’s important to address gum problems with your dentist, but unless you’re bleeding uncontrollably, bloody gums typically aren’t an emergency. We suggest temporarily reducing any pain or swelling with a cold ice pack or warm salt water rinse. Then, make sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist.

At home, there are several preventive steps you can take to avoid bleeding gums and gum disease:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes
  • Floss once a day
  • Stop smoking, vaping, and/or chewing tobacco 
  • Visit your dentist twice a year for a professional exam and cleaning

Hear from
our patients

The Staff here are second to None. Nothing is ever a bother for the Macquarie Family Dental Team at Wangi. I have recommended to others and i will do so in the future. Great experiences.
– Jason Brown

Treatments for bloody gums

we offer deep cleanings to address bloody gums caused by gum disease. Deep cleanings are a bit different than your routine 6-month cleanings and involve 2 steps:

  • Scaling: Plaque and tartar pockets are completely removed from beneath your gums 
  • Root planing: We clean and smooth out the roots of your teeth to remove bacteria

More questions about irritated gums?

We’d love to hear from you. For Boolaroo, call us at  02 4958 6099 and  for Wangi call us at  02 49752616 or contact us online.


Monday           8:00-5:30pm

Tuesday          8:00-5:30pm

Wednesday   7:30-5:30pm

Thursday        8:30-5:30pm

Friday              8:30-5:30pm

Saturday appointments available on request in Wangi


For Boolaroo:-

58 Main Rd, Boolaroo

Call (02) 4958 6099


Book Online

For Wangi:-

21 Market Street, Wangi Wangi

Call (02) 4975 2616

